Wednesday, March 08, 2006

random thoughts

Fieldwork tomorrow, quiet stuff today, still getting into the swing of it…

Cute girls here, others there, another I wish to hear from, another who wants to hear from me…

What to get involved in at church, what to leave alone, ideas to push, ideas to drop…

And to top it off, a funeral for a criminal in Spanish Town ends up shutting down half the city for fear of criminal elements going all crazy. The police were out in full force and there was no trouble when I was coming back home, but something has to be done about the crime here. Thing is, everyone says that, but no one has a freakin’ CLUE about what that something is. Including me. Sometimes I wish I could be like Frank Castle, a.k.a. the Punisher, just go vigilante, undercover, and terminate all criminal elements with extreme prejudice. Still, vengeance is God’s, not mine.

Lost is in repeats tonight, and there isn’t really anything else I’d watch until South Park and Drawn Together, so I’ll probably end up playing FIFA Soccer 2002 until 10 pm…see if I can take the Jamaican side to win the World Cup. Yeah!

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.”

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