...as opposed to ramblings on current events and random thoughts...
Yesterday I went on a field trip into the hills of St. Thomas/Portland. Our aim was to investigate potential water sources for this community up there, and while I don't think that the river we looked at will do any good for them, it was still an exhilarating trip. We went up the Hector's River bed and tracked it up until we entered the John Crow Mountains, which I've heard of many a time but never actually BEEN to. The river bed was very awe-inspiring, and I bet it would have been even more inspiring if water was flowing in it...then again, the way the rocks appeared, we would have been in major trouble if caught in that waterfall. I'll bet that when this river is in flow, it would rival any major waterfall currently well known in Jamaica. As it is, the flow is sub-surface for the most part...and who would want to hike all the way up there just to be at peace in nature, with just janga (small river shrimp), fish and wild hogs for company? (I didn't see any, but I know they're up in the hills).
Anyways, the pics show some of the views, as well as the river bed itself and the various channels we measured. The Mississippi it ain't...
it was a nice trip though, I had a good time. The hike nearly busted me, but I got my second wind and was able to continue after the first rest with nary a break...I was drinking like a fish the rest of the day though!
more picis forthcoming
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